Edward III Interesting Facts

1 The Mighty Longbow

Edward’s weapon of choice was the longbow. It was introduced to Edward by the Welsh during their battles with the English. Edward is said to have banned all sport except archery to make his knights spend time practicing their skills. Edward still found time for hunting and falconry however.

2 An English legacy

During his reign English became the national language, rather than Latin and French. Parliament was strengthened and St George became the patron saint of England.

3 The Black Death

During Edward’s fifty year reign, the Black death claimed the lives of at a least a third, possibly as much as a half, of the English population. The first case was detected in Dorset in 1348. It led to the 1351 Statute of Labourers which tried to stop wages for working men from rising as demand outstripped supply.

4 Scotland’s error of Judgment

When the Black Death was at its height, the Scots decided to invade. They believed it to be God’s punishment to the English and that they were immune to its effect. Their troops began to die and they retreated, taking the Black Death north with them.

5 What’s in a Name?

The Hundred Years’ War between France and England actually lasted for 116 years.

6 Kings in Captivity

Edward held the King of Scotland and the King of France captive at the Tower of London at different times during his reign.

7 Arthurian legends

Edward was a fan of the legends of King Arthur. He even reinstated the
Round Table during his chivalric reign. He liked to dress as Sir Lancelot and when his mother Isabella returned to Court after her time under house arrest, she dressed as Guinevere. Her dress was made of silk and carried 600 rubies and over 1,500 pearls.

8 The Black Prince

Named after the colour of his armour, Edward, Prince of Wales, commanded his father’s troops at the Battle of Poitiers. He captured John II, King of France and brought him as prisoner to the Tower of London. Once there he treated him well, in keeping with his father’s chivalric traditions. The rest of France was not treated so gallantly. Edward laid waste to the town of Limoges in 1375.

9 Gallant Knights

The Order of the Garter was founded by Edward in 1348. During a ball, the lady with whom he was dancing suffered a serious wardrobe malfunction. Her garter, used to hold up her stocking, slipped from her leg to the floor. Edward reclaimed it and gallantly tied it around his own leg. Thus the Orde , whose motto is ‘evil be to him who evil thinks’ (honi soit qui mal y pense) was born. This Order is still in existence with 24 members including the monarch and Prince of Wales.